Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sub Days

I used to worry a lot about leaving my students with substitutes. Then I got a little better as time went on because I would usually call the same people to sub for me, so they knew my routines and what was expected. Now that I'm no longer in the same district as my subs, I've had to just put my job on to TSEAS and let whoever take it.

I usually receive all the gritty details from students about which subs they liked and which ones they didn't. I tell them that I don't choose who I want to come in to sub for me, so they would just have to behave no matter who comes in. The only real downside of having a sub is making sub plans. I've found it easier just to make a generic sub plan and write in the details.

Even with taking the day off yesterday, I got nothing accomplished. My math papers have seem to pile up close the ceiling...well I haven't tried piling it ALL up yet, but I'm sure if I did, it'd be pretty close to the ceiling. I'm so looking forward to's too bad my portfolios (3 of them) are all due on the same day...before vacation. :(

1 comment:

damned_cat said...

but at least your vay-cay will be free and clear!