The days really seem to be dragging, but my saving grace (I guess you could call it that) are my parent-teacher conferences. Out of my original 31 students, only 18 of the parents wanted another conference. The only good thing about this is the 1:00 dismissal. Tomorrow I only have 1 conference, so I can scurry home early, head out to my online class orientation, then off to Jazzercise.
I found out that extrinsic rewards work really well with this group of kids. I've never had to offer a movie lunch thing with any of my other students in order for them to turn in their homework. I'm glad I thought of it though since homework is no longer a real problem. Some are getting more eager by completing the following night's assignments beforehand. I gave them a lecture about how when they get older, they wouldn't be able to tell their boss, "Oh I had to go to a party last night so I couldn't finish the project." They would get their butt fired from their job. I know it's hard for them to really comprehend that actually happening, but hopefully my sticker incentive charts continue to push them to complete their assignments.
I'll be going up to see BFC in a few weeks. I guess that's partly why the days are just dragging by...
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