Thursday, December 25, 2008


I'm happy to be on vacation, but the piles of work next to my computer continue to glare at me every day. I got done with one huge pile today and have it ready to return to my classroom. I went yesterday to drop off my Fisher supplies and I realized that I left the room a mess on Friday afternoon. I ended up cleaning one corner of the room, but still have to tackle my desk.

One positive thing is that I was able to rearrange the desks so that I have 6 little groups now instead of 5 huge ones. Losing those 8 students made a huge difference to the setup of my classroom. I'm hoping they'll be ok, but kids are resilient and I'm sure they'll be fine. Now I feel like I'll be able to do a lot more with less students and I'll be able to stay more on top of things.

1 comment:

damned_cat said...


I can't believe you brought your work home.

Oh no wait, I can.
