Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Camera Shy

One of the things that I've been working on for the past few days is the work I'm going to be showing for the Literacy Night that's coming up next week Tuesday. I guess I've always been one of those people who work best under pressure, so I was able to come up with some decent things in the past couple of days. Having different sorts of technology at my school is really helpful since there's always so many different outlets for the students to come up with presentations. I've been taking photos and recording the students doing their work and talking about their pieces. It's funny how many of them seem to clam up once they know they're being recorded. I'm nearly done with one of the Imovies and will need to start up the second one tomorrow.

With Math, I think the kids are really beginning to see how to do conversions! I'm going to try and teach a new concept tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes and hopefully they'll able to understand it.

Today during Language, I had the students working on character charts for Mrs. Frisby for the Literacy Night project. I have the students leveled off by ability and it's amazing to hear how the different groups talk about the importance of main characters vs. secondary characters. I have to remember to type out the questions for the Response Questions out for tomorrow's work and I also have to do the Comprehension Questions. Oh and we have the Awards Assembly tomorrow. I'll probably end up pushing the Dangerous Crossing test to Monday. I don't think the kids will do too well if I rush them and give them the test on Friday. I have to remember to send an email to the parents or have the kids write the change in their planners.

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