Tuesday, June 30, 2009

One More Month

We start school again in about a month!  BOO!

Well, I guess I'm somewhat looking forward to going back to work to try out some new ideas with my curriculum since I am taking a few classes this summer.  Good news is that I will be a Class 7 by 2010.  YAY!  Now I won't have to take anymore classes for credit and no more portfolios.  

I will be signing my closing documents to my place this week.  It should be exciting, but I don't like having to go through all of my things.  I've been sitting in my room staring at the boxes my dad brought home for me to use.  I've filled a few of them, but those items only came from one part of my bedroom.  I'm trying to tackle my larger bookshelf now to see what goodies I find there.  I'm debating whether to put up an ad on craigslist for some of the items, but I'm trying to figure out what some of the things are worth.  

Moving in to the place will be another story as well.  My realtor is trying to get the final walkthrough inspection for Thursday, so the journey is almost complete.  I'm going to be sad taking that down payment to the bank, but hey, it has to be done.   

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Week 1 of Summer Down

The first week of summer has slipped through my fingers. I can't even really remember what I did all of last week. Oh that's right...I got sick on Wednesday. BFF says that it's because I always stress myself out and then when vacation is in sight, my body knows, and then shuts off its immunity to colds. :p I shouldn't wait until the last minute to do everything...

Tomorrow I'll be heading to the BI for the final time this year for a friend's wedding in Kona. Soon after the wedding, BFC will be coming back to the island for good. It should be interesting to see what happens now that we'll both be on the same island.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Today was the official last day for me of the 2009-2009 school year. Teaching fifth grade was an interesting experience and I'm looking forward to doing all over again, but better. I guess that's what teaching is about though. With each year, you grow and have a chance to reflect on what could have been done instead. This is will be the second year that I'll be staying in the same grade level, so I'm a little more prepared for what's to come instead of being a "blind bat" like this year. I'm looking forward to doing nothing but veg out for a couple of days before heading to the BI for the A/P wedding. I'm also going to see BFC for a few days before he returns for good in two weeks. It's amazing how quickly time went by...I still remember thinking like he would never be coming back. Now he'll be back before I know it.

Monday, June 1, 2009

4 1/2 More Days Left

The end of the year is almost here! My first year of teaching fifth grade has been an interesting experience. I remember receiving my acceptance call from my principal before transferring and thinking, "Fifth grade, eww," but now I'm glad that I decided to try something new. I admit, it's been difficult having to get used to a different curriculum nearly every single year, but there's something about fifth grade that I really enjoy. They're very independent and are able to help me with a lot more stuff than my former students could. They get my jokes more and are able to take my sarcasm. They can read me very well. I'm looking forward to teaching fifth grade again next year so I can fine-tune my lessons.

I'm looking forward to letting my "monsters" go, but I know I'll miss the majority of them. They were extremely good this morning. We hadn't been doing our Reading textbook for the last few weeks, and when we started the lesson, they knew exactly what to do and where to go to the activities for the story. I was really pleased.

I just hope that the upcoming class will be just as memorable as this one...